If you haven’t yet, have a short look at VG_ExternalControllerManager on the purpose of a VG_ExternalController.
The following requirements have to be met to be able to use this controller:
- You have the Unity XR Management package installed into your Unity project.
This is an external controller class that supports the action-based Unity XR Interaction toolkit controller as an external controller.
The following requirements have to be met to be able to use the controller:
- You have the “XR Plugin Management” package installed into your Unity project.
- You have the “XR Interaction Toolkit” package installed into your Unity project.
- You have selected “OpenXR” as the Plugin-Provider in Project Settings -> XR Plugin Management
- if you use Oculus, you use it through “OpenXR” (Oculus -> Tools -> OVR Utilitites Plugin -> Set OVR to OpenXR)
If these requirements are met, you will be able to use the “VG_EC_UnityInteractionHand” controller profile to setup your MyVirtualGrasp configuration (otherwise an error will appear on the console).

Hand Poses
Only the wrists are mapped.
Will be controlled through UnityXR controller system, such as InputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.devicePosition).
Grab Signals
will be controlled through UnityXR controller system, such as InputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.trigger).
Haptic Signals
will be controlled through UnityXR controller system, such as InputDevice.SendHapticImpulse().