This class represents a child class of VG_ExternalController.
If you haven’t yet, have a short look at VG_ExternalControllerManager on the purpose of a VG_ExternalController.
If you haven’t yet, have a short look at VG_ExternalControllerManager on the purpose of a VG_ExternalController.

This is an external controller class that supports a Mouse controller as an external controller.
There are no requirements to use this controller, so you can use the “VG_EC_MouseHand” controller profile to setup your MyVirtualGrasp configuration.
Hand Poses
Only the wrists are mapped.
Will be controlled through the Mouse position in your game window, as well as through the scroll wheel (moving the hands in depth).
Grab Signals
will be controlled through the Mouse button clicks, left mouse button for left hand, right mouse button for right hand.